Madras Day is celebrated every year on August 22. It is a day to celebrate the history of the city, its people and its landmarks. Celebrations are planned and organised by different groups as community events.
One such event is the FRAMES of CHENNAI - a documentary film festival devoted to docu films made on the city.
Students of cinema, media, visual communication, fine arts and literature: those who study in film institutes, young film makers. . . those who are passionate about film making, can contribute their films to this fest.
You are invited to produce short films on any aspect of the city - its people, communities, landmarks, life-trends, oddities, etc. Duration - upto 20 mins.
FIRST - Sit down and write out a one page oN the theme you have in mind and how you will go about researching the subject and then shooting it.
SECOND - If we like your idea, we will have a meeting with you to go over the plan and improve on it. We will also provide you mentors / resource people / who can enrich the research and information for your docu film. You will be paid a sum of Rs.1,000 to undertake more research and improve the script.
THIRD STEP - We will have a second meeting to review your field work and your shooting plans. If we are satisfied with your ground work, we will pay you Rs.2000 to do the docu film.
FOURTH STEP - Submit the film for screening by Aug 10. Screening will be held at a public place anywhere between Aug.17 - 24.
COMPETE FOR PRIZES - A jury will select the most interesting films and the best THREE films will earn for the team Rs.5000 each and certificates for all the film crew of the winning films.
Those who wish to join this project, should contact Vincent D' Souza on 98410 49155 immediately. Financial support is limited and will be provided on first-come first serve and at the discretion of the organiser.
PLEASE NOTE: Those who do not get / or do not wish to get any financial support but want to produce a docu film on their own and submit them can also sign up for this Fest.
The films ( can be in English or Tamil) must be documentaries with authentic voices and persons; to be submitted on DVD formats, must include relevant credit titles; voice-overs may be either in Tamil or English; sub-titling may be done where necessary.
The shooting of the film can be done using any type of camera but the final copy of the film should be submitted in DVD format. All submisisons become the property of the organisers of this project and will be used for screenings in the future.
Please attach a foolscap sheet containing the title of the film, duration, list of all credits and main contact addresses and phone number.
The film copies submitted for this event will be used for archival / screening purposes by the organisers at any time.
If you need help / guidance / clarifications you may e-mail to - madrasday@yahoo.com or call Vincent D' Souza on 98410 49155.
Films may be submitted to the Organisers,The Madras Day, c/o Mylapore Times, 77, C. P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet, Chennai 600 018.