Talk: Chennai Travelogue By An Architect – Aug. 16, 2020

Talk by Karthik Nachiappan, Architect, Urbanist, Globetrotter, Academician
Facilitated by KeyTerns, the thematic travel team.

Between 11 AM and 12:30 PM IST.

Facebook live –

For Whom: Must watch for any proud Chennaite, People in Educational, Tourism and Architecture Sectors

Topics covered

1. Linking practical Learning with ecology – will be useful for teachers, parents and students
2. Exploring the travel potentiality of the public spaces in Chennai – Are we rightly using the chennai urban open spaces for travellers to its optimum in comparison with some Cities in the world?
3. Creating the Chennai Identity – What more can we be proud of showing to our friends / relatives / guests coming to Chennai?


Contact +917550042234 for any queries.

~ Karthik Nachiappan ( and KeyTerns (, +917550042234